This happens when updating to the latest version of MiKTeX. Assuming that you are including the “nomencl” package, then you need to do the following substitutions:
- Replace \makeglossary with \makenomenclature
- Replace \printglossary with \printnomenclature
ref: Somacon
The nomencl package is useful for producing nomenclatures/glossaries. For more information check the nomencl package documentation @ the University of Cambridge [this is a pdf file].
Cite as:
Saad, T. "LaTeX: Undefined Control Sequence \printglossary".
Weblog entry from
Please Make A Note.
Excellent thanks for sharing, I have a little error but I guess it's because I have a virus, I'm gonna try again, thanks for share.
ReplyDeleteThis is good but I was trying it at home and I got some issues, I don't what happened I think you have a little error in that, or maybe I'm doing something wrong.
ReplyDeletePlease advice how to get nomenclature list?
ReplyDeleteI inserted the required command but it doesn;t give me any list
I have same problem as Samar. Nothing is printed
ReplyDeleteThanks for your sharing