Saturday, May 17, 2008

Optimize Fluent Simulations

One way to optimize a Fluent simulation is to reorder the topology (i.e. cells, faces, and nodes) in memory so that accessing neighboring cell or face information induces a minimal overhead. According to Fluent, reordering the domain improves the performance of the solver. After reading the mesh file do the following

You should notice some improvement in your simulation after performing the reordering operation. Make sure also to save the case file so that the reordering of the mesh is reflected in subsequent runs.

Cite as:
Saad, T. "Optimize Fluent Simulations". Weblog entry from Please Make A Note.


  1. This is interesting because I work with java and that command usually works with some applications but seems you having problems, maybe the software have some error during the installation.

  2. Excellent information, it really served me a lot, Im beginning with animations, and Im looking for all kinds of tips, tutorials that can help me.

  3. what great tips (You should notice some improvement in your simulation after performing the reordering operation. ), I think that it is one of the things that the people forget at the moment of work in the computer!
