- In Endnote, select the citations you want to export and go to “File / Export”
- Select “RefMan (RIS) Export” in the Output Styles dropdown box
(in case it is not there, choose “Select Another Style…” and look for RefMan RIS Export)- After exporting the file, go to JabRef and import as RIS
There are many ways of doing this. Here’s one on fellow blog Fundamental Thinking. Josh’s method is based on the JabRef Endnote Export Filter.
To go from JabRef to Endnote
- In JabRef, select the citations you want to export and go to “File / Export”
- Select “Endnote” from the dropdown box
- In Endnote go to “File / Import”
- Choose the data file that you just exported from JabRef
- Under import option, choose “EndNote Import”
Cite as:
Saad, T. "EndNote to JabRef to EndNote".
Weblog entry from
Please Make A Note.